Thought Leadership

RDR – The return of the man from the Pru

The results of the FSA’s Retail Distribution Review (RDR) are now finalised. The main recommendations of the consultation paper have been left intact and it is clear that life and pension providers are going to have to make significant changes in order to implement it.

The Retail Distribution Review covers a number of areas, many primarily effecting IFAs and networks. There are however some key recommendations of the review which will have a direct and immediate impact on the market for investment products.

This whitepaper looks at what we believe will be a key outcome of the RDR changes; the removal of independent advice from the mass market segment, the options that will remain to service that segment of the market and the possible re-emergence of a distribution channel that has been in severe decline for the last two decades – the direct sales force (DSF).Effect of Key RDR recommendations on the market.