Thought Leadership

Insurance Digital Transformation: A New Era of Core Systems, Next Gen Technologies and Ecosystems

Today’s disruptive digital era is changing the game. Those prepared to evolve and modernize will be rewarded with new opportunities that can extend their value proposition to customers. Insurers need to examine and redefine their strategies around core system platforms, next-gen technologies and ecosystems or accept defeat. So where is the industry in regard to these changes?

The latest Insurance Digital Transformation:  A New Era of Core Systems, Next Gen Technologies and Ecosystems Report provides insight into where the industry is on adopting these new technologies and can help you assess your readiness as we enter the future of insurance. Read the report to better understand:

  • Why adopting platform technologies should top the list for insurers
  • The importance of platform technologies like cloud, AI, mobile
  • How an ecosystem approach can redefine customer relationships