Thought Leadership
Insurance Billing and Payments
From Back Office Calculators to Channel Growth Accelerators
Once considered to be financial, back-office functions, billing and payments are now at the center of the digital and customer relationship as well as innovative, new products and services. Billing has become a key component in any growth and innovation strategy. A redesigned billing experience can anchor an insurer’s future success and survival. Unfortunately, most insurance billing solutions are not prepared to meet higher challenges of service expectations and ultimately customer success. But to remain competitive and take advantage of growing market opportunities, insurers cannot hesitate. They must rethink the billing and payments foundation before the gap becomes insurmountable.
This new report Insurance Billing and Payments: From Back Office Calculators to Channel Growth Accelerators, by Deloitte and Majesco leverages recent market research and executive roundtable discussions from insurance industry executives to help navigate a billing and payment environment that is increasingly under pressure to adapt.
Read this report to better understand:
- Market trends and customer requirements impacting billing and payments
- The inevitable and essential shift of the insurance operating model
- How new products and services are impacting billing and payments