Thought Leadership

Don’t Pull Back…Put the Pedal to the Metal for L&AH Transformation

A Majesco and Capgemini Joint Point of View Report

The workforce of today is quickly evolving, creating a substantial impact on the group and voluntary benefits sector. The market, from both employer benefits and customer needs, is extremely dynamic and poses challenges and questions – and opportunities – for both employers and insurers. It’s an important element to understand as group and voluntary benefits are an increasingly crucial component to businesses for attracting and retaining talent.

With the increased retirement of the older generation, demand for fluid work options by the younger generations, and low unemployment rates, the group and voluntary benefits industry is on the precipice of major change. Along with this, the Gen Z and Millennial SMB ownership and employee base are digitally savvy and demand greater choice and value from their group and voluntary benefits. Expectations have shifted and it will require investments in transformational technology to create value-added services, personalization, new products, and much more to meet the increased demands.

Read this report to better understand:

  • Why innovation and product shifts are mandatory to meet the changing tides in group and voluntary benefits.
  • The importance of a customer-first focus.

The prominent role that a solid foundation of next-gen technology plays in undergoing a successful L&AH transformation.