Thought Leadership

A Seven Year Itch – Changes in Insurers’ Strategic Priorities Defined by Three Digital Eras Over Seven Years

The last seven years can be summed in one word: change. There have been more risks, new customer behaviors and expectations, emerging technology-driven capabilities and data sources, more channels and partners and an influx of capital to the InsurTech market. These changes have created a new generation of dominant buyers who are looking at everything differently.

The strategic responses to these industry changes and buyer expectations have redefined industry players into three categories: Leaders, Followers, and Laggards. Gaps between them remain, but the size of the gaps continue to change. Yet one thing has remained the same…Leaders continue to accelerate the pace that sets them apart from Followers and Laggards.

Read this report to better understand:

  • Internal and external challenges facing insurers
  • Latest business and technology trends shaping the market
  • Influx of partnerships, eco-systems and data sources insurers can and should leverage
  • Strategic initiatives insurers need to pay attention to