
Predictions 2022: Game-Changing Predictions for a Competitive Edge in the Insurance Metaverse

Change and disruption are a constant in today’s digital era but has exploded in intensity and breadth starting with InsurTech emerging in 2015 and accelerating during the pandemic. The tectonic forces of customers, technology and shifting market boundaries are driving foundational change to the insurance industry.  From embedded insurance to the acceleration of commoditized insurance, the expansion of a multi-channel world, the resilience of agents and brokers who embrace technology, digital ecosystems, technology as a service, next generation customer engagement models, the data and analytics arms race, the demand for new payment options and the rise of new innovative products.

The year 2022 is poised for game-changers that will begin the realignment of the industry to meet the demands of a new generation of buyers, changing risks and the rapid adoption of technology. It’s critical for companies to understand the forces that will accelerate the reshaping of the insurance industry in 2022 so you can be ready to seize opportunities amid continuous change and disruption to forge a path for growth and success.  What are the emerging roles for insurers, agents and brokers, MGA/BGAs, reinsurers and InsurTech as well as new insurance practice models from companies outside of traditional insurance.   And … we will discuss how Metaverse will shape insurance in the future – the integration of the physical and the virtual.

This webinar examines and debates key game-changing predictions with a stellar panel of industry leaders and InsurTech Influencers.  Join us for a “crystal ball” view into 2022 to understand where your customers, markets, technology, and competitors are heading so that you can adapt to capture these opportunities.

Denise Garth, Chief Strategy Officer – Majesco
Nigel Walsh, Managing Director of Insurance – Google
Sabine VanderLinden – Co-Founder, CEO and Managing Partner – Alchemy Crew
Bryan Falchuk – Founder and Managing Partner – Insurance Evolution Partners
Steve Anderson – Co-Founder and CEO – Catalyit