
Rethinking Distribution in the Age of Digital Insurance 2.0

Changing customer expectations and behaviors are forcing a shift to a multi-channel world, which is challenging insurers to provide channel options and choice across the entire value chain. Within this rapidly shifting business landscape, insurers must rethink their distribution strategy and execution, because improving distribution is critical to growth.

Agents and advisors remain critical to the way insurers engage customers and sell their products and services, but how they do this needs to look much different than it did five years ago, or even one year ago.  Insurers must set up multi-channel distribution options to enhance customer interactions on the cus­tomer’s terms … not the insurer’s. As a result, distribution channel strategies, including how to support the traditional agent/broker channel, are a focus for transformation in the age of Digital Insurance 2.0, and are foundational to an insurer’s ability to realize their growth and innovation strategies.

Join us in this webinar to learn more about the specific challenges and opportunities facing insurance distribution, and to get advice from two experts on developing a winning strategy for your company. Craig Welsh from Westfield Insurance will describe his company’s journey to optimize the agent channel by utilizing an advanced distribution management system and analytics. Gregory Bailey, CEO and founder of Denim® will highlight how new digital channels can be leveraged to both meet customers’ multichannel expectations and to enhance the traditional agent channel.