
Digital Experience: Bridging the Divide Between What Agents and Customers Want and What Insurers Offer

The customer and agent expectation gap reflects the difference between what customers and agents expect, want, and need, as compared to what insurers are delivering. This gap needs to be as small as possible for insurers to create long-term growth, value, loyalty and ultimately “ease of doing business”.

Savvy, innovative companies are redefining insurance from an outside-in perspective to adapt to what customers – of any generation — want and expect, instead of following the generations-long practice of an inside-out perspective that requires customers to adapt to the way insurance works. As a result, these innovative companies are transforming insurance from a mysterious, confusing, and difficult ordeal most would rather avoid, to a more transparent, simple and engaging experience.

Hear from these companies on how they are bridging the gap with agents and customers to give them the digital experience they expect, making it “easy to do business” with them. 

Denise Garth, Chief Strategy Officer, Majesco
Israel Lorenzana, Chief Information Officer, USIC Group
Chris Maple, Product Management Director, MMG Insurance