
Creating Customer Value, Security and Loyalty in Times of Change by Rethinking Insurance

From COVID, to historic inflation, to severe weather events, consumers are enduring an ongoing string of challenges that have shaken their sense of financial security in how they can protect homes, autos, life, and financial well-being. Now more than ever, insurers must take a leading role in helping customers rebuild their confidence, security, and optimism.

While insurance’s traditional products have always been pivotal in creating peace of mind, new and expanding risks, market dynamics, and evolving needs and expectations of insurance buyers, particularly the younger generation, require new ideas and approaches. 

Insurers must take a more holistic view of their customers’ view of security; one that goes beyond traditional risk products and channels.  Insurers must give serious thought to offering value-added services that complement risk products; providing multiple channel options including new partnerships and embedded options; and leveraging new data sources to create personalized pricing and underwriting.

What new risk products, channels, value-added services, data sources, and technologies resonate with which consumer segments?  In this webinar, we’ll use the insights from our annual primary research with insurance consumers to give you the answers you need to rethink your insurance business. 

Now is not the time to pull back, it’s time to put the pedal to the metal…and deliver value that today’s and tomorrow’s insurance customers expect and demand!


Denise Garth, Chief Strategy Officer – Majesco
Glenn Westlake, VP, Strategic Marketing – Majesco