
Connecting the Dots: Strategic Priorities and Realignment in Insurance for Success

The insurance industry is waking up to a realization that the operational models and technology foundation they have used for decades may no longer meet the challenges and opportunities of today’s fast-changing world. The impact is being felt across all segments of the industry, with increased operational costs, fight for talent, rising customer expectations, profitability challenges, and intensifying risks. Add to this a dynamic and rapidly accelerating technology landscape, particularly with AI poised for significant adoption and impact, and the case for changing how we do business is stronger than ever.

As 2024 unfolds, decisions will be made on priorities. Those decisions will influence which companies will emerge as winners in the next three to five years. Winners will be sought after as insurance providers, partners, and employers due to their ability to realign and adapt to today’s world … not yesterday’s. More importantly, they will have a foundation both operationally and technologically to achieve operational optimization, cost-effective scalability, and adaptability to shifts through innovation.

Drawing upon insights from Majesco’s 2024 Strategic Priorities research, we will explore strategic initiatives that enable business innovation and growth. The right investment across key areas, makes a substantial difference in growth as compared to those who do not – from 1.4 to 1.95 times difference. By prioritizing investments in next-gen architecture and embracing modern innovations such as cloud-native solutions and embedded analytics, insurers can position themselves as industry leaders poised for success in the years to come.

Join us in this webinar to learn how Leaders are achieving operational optimization, innovation, and sustainable growth amidst these ongoing challenges, creating growing gaps with the Followers and Laggards behind them. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to realign, adapt, prioritize and invest in the right strategic priorities for a prosperous future!

Denise Garth – Chief Strategy Officer, Majesco
Glenn Westlake – VP, Strategic Marketing, Majesco