
Building the Business Model for the Next Generation of Small-Medium Business Leaders

The Small-Medium Business (SMB) market – firms that employ 1 to 500 employees — is enormous. At nearly 6 million firms, it comprises over 99% of all employer businesses in the United States. On top of that, there are another 24.3 million non-employer firms, bringing the total market to just over 30 million businesses.

As the Millennials and Gen Z generations take over the population of both consumers and SMB owners and leaders, companies with traditional insurance business models will find themselves challenged to acquire new customers and retain existing ones…in short, to remain relevant. The new generations of SMB leaders are using technologies to engage in new behaviors and businesses that require new risk products and services, and their heightened expectations demand digitally-enabled engagement capabilities.

Is your company ready to capture the tremendous growth opportunities in this vast market?  Watch this webinar to learn what our newest research with SMB owners reveals about their needs, expectations and preferences for insurance products, services and engagement.