
Building a Data-Driven Foundation to Reshape the Future of Insurance

Welcome to the future of insurance!  A world were data is ubiquitous.  Open source APIs and protocols are used to share data across industries, companies and technologies. Companies will create data ecosystems to gather and share data to meet the demands for a new era of insurance.

Insurers have the potential to gain better information and value from their data that creates an organization focused on competing for customers and markets. Competitive dominance is no longer achieved by operational efficiency, lower prices, massive advertising, large internal systems, or channel loyalty. It is achieved by anticipating trends and pivoting quickly to create and capture the economic and competitive opportunity through a new business model built on data. Insurers that succeed in capturing the opportunity will be those that show strategic courage and forward thinking to redefine business models, processes, products, services and channels by leveraging data and analytics in innovative ways, becoming data-driven and laying the foundation for the Future of Insurance.

During this webinar you will hear from Millers Mutual Insurance and Majesco on how to build a data-driven foundation to fuel growth in today’s fast-changing marketplace.

Denise Garth – SVP at Majesco
Larry Fortin – CIO at Millers Mutual Insurance
Ben Moreland – VP at Majesco