
A New Digital Platform to Compete in a New Age of Insurance … Digital Insurance 2.0

Research indicates that digital technology could render 40% of companies in the world today irrelevant in 10 years. How can you avoid being one of the casualties?

Innovative participants and new entrants are rewriting the rules of business, and with it, redesigning organizational and business model structures, and how products and services are defined and delivered. They are using digital technology, cloud computing, microservices, data and analytics and ecosystems to better understand, underwrite and service their customers with tailored products and services to meet the changing customer and market demands, needs and expectations.

If an insurer hasn’t yet wrestled with the necessity for change, now is the time to wake up and understand the factors, and swiftly take action. To compete, insurers must design customer journeys – tailored to their customer needs, and on their customer terms – cutting through traditional insurance silos (systems and lines of business) to create end-to-end, highly personalized and engaging customer experiences. Majesco’s new Digital1st digital insurance platform delivers cloud-based, real-time, insurance-specific capabilities through a micro-services based platform that help insurers adapt and innovate in a rapidly changing market.

Hear from this panel about the platform. Manish Shah and Sachin Dhamane will provide an overview of the platform components and how they can be used to drive innovation. Jason Ennis from MMG will share their experience and the value it brings to their digital strategies. Karolina Congdon from Splice and Gregory Bailey from Denim will share their views, as the first ecosystem partners for the platform, on the power of the Digital1st EcoExchange, the industry’s marketplace for innovative partners.