
2024 Trends Reshaping the Insurance Business – Are You Ready?

Inflation.  Interest Rates.  Profitability.  Loss Ratios.  Increased Risk.  Climate Change.  Supply Chains.  Market Volatility.  Growth.  

These are some of the many headwinds faced by the insurance industry, driven by heightened volatility in financial markets, economic activity, and increased risk environment. Navigating this uncertainty is not for the faint of heart.  It requires leaders to diligently execute on their strategy and adapt where they need to remain relevant and competitive in this fast-changing market landscape. 

With change, comes new opportunities and challenges. Customers demand new products to manage their risks, new experiences that make it simple, fast, and efficient to buy insurance, new channel options that expand reach and ease of buying, and new value-added services that extend the value of the insurance product. Embracing this change requires a higher level of sophistication and commitment to digital transformation than many insurers are accustomed to. Insurers of tomorrow cannot be built on the business model and technology of today. Now is the time to reshape the business model and technology foundation. 

As we look to 2024, what are the key insurance industry trends that insurers can expect? How will these trends impact insurers? How must they shift and reprioritize their investments and initiatives? What are the new competitive differentiators?

Hear from this panel of esteemed InsurTech Influencers on what they see as the key trends for 2024 that insurers must be prepared for to counter the headwinds and emerge stronger as a leader in a new era of insurance. 

Denise Garth – Chief Strategy Officer | Majesco – Moderator and Panelist
Matteo Carbone – Founder and Director | IoT Observatory – Panelist
Lisa Wardlaw – Founder and President  | 360 Digital Immersion – Panelist
Bryan Falchuk – Managing Partner, Insurance Evolution Partners and President | CEO of PLRB – Panelist