Property & Casualty

P&C Insurance Analytics Software

Powerful, Data-Driven Solutions that Uncover Strategic Insights

Data and analytics are redefining industry leaders. By leveraging real-time data from multiple sources and advanced AI/ML analytics and models, insurers can increase profitability, fuel innovation, growth, and digital transformation.


Analytics solutions enable businesses to create and share meaningful data insights that accelerate productivity, growth, and business transformation.

Business Intelligence

Empower your business with advanced Business Intelligence capabilities tailored for both P&C and L&AH carriers, driving strategic insights and growth.

Property Intelligence

Revolutionize property risk assessment and underwriting processes with our Property Intelligence offering, enhancing decision-making and profitability for insurers of all sizes.

Subrogation Intelligence

Elevate your claims management efficiency with Subrogation Intelligence, a cutting-edge solution that employs advanced analytics to identify and optimize subrogation opportunities, maximizing recoveries and minimizing losses for insurers.

Generative AI

Experience generative AI with Majesco Copilot to simplify insurance complexity and improve user experience.

Data Lakehouse

Unlock data to achieve actionable insights with our transformative Data Lakehouse solution that integrates all data from our core, digital and loss control solutions designed to empower insurers with comprehensive data-driven capabilities.

a. “We wanted a partner that had climbed the mountain, been there done that, and had done commercial auto at scale, where the experience wasn’t going to be an on-the-job training for the technical vendor. We’ve been incredibly impressed with Majesco, that was one of the things that was the most impressive to us, was the core capabilities in commercial auto.”

Patrick Bracewell, Chairman and CEO, Forge Insurance


How does P&C analytics improve underwriting?

P&C analytics enhance underwriting in many ways, from being able to better forecast risk, to boosting customer experience, and improving decision-making.

How is AI changing P&C analytics?

AI is playing a substantial role in the advancement of P&C analytics. Insurers are now able to effectively process and analyze massive amounts of diverse data that reveal insights that were previously not possible or feasible to produce.

What do Majesco P&C analytics solutions provide?

The ability to ingest and leverage numerous varieties and large volumes of data to identify insights that drive profitable business decisions across the entire P&C value chain.

The Future Starts With Majesco