Catholic Mutual Group Selects MajescoMastek’s STG Billing System

Press Release

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Jan. 28, 2009 – MajescoMastek, the U.S. subsidiary of global technology solutions provider Mastek Limited (NSE: MASTEK), announced today that Nebraska-based Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) has chosen its STG Billing and Accounts Receivable system. As a self protection fund of the Roman Catholic Church in North America, CMG provides risk management and other services to 125 Dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S. and Canada. The nature of CMG's business requires a billing system with configuration capability to meet the company's unique billing requirements. "A strong recommendation led us to look at the STG Billing system. MajescoMastek differentiated themselves from other vendors by really trying to understand the uniqueness of our business and configuring a solution to meet our needs," said Mary Ellen Freyermuth, CMG Director of Management Information Systems. "The functionality that the STG Billing solution offers fits well with our business needs and technology initiative, and gives us a comprehensive solution that will meet our current and future requirements." "CMG caters to a unique clientele with complex business requirements. MajescoMastek's ability to configure the STG Billing solution to meet those unique requirements demonstrates the flexibility of the underlying platform, as well as the ability to take functionality straight out of the box," said William "Billy" McCarter, president of MajescoMastek's Property and Casualty (P&C) division. "We look forward to working with CMG and a great partnership." About Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) Initially founded as a membership association, Catholic Mutual Group was incorporated as a Nebraska non-profit religious corporation in 1896 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization, with no stockholders or profit motive. CMG's Board of Trustees consists of two Cardinals and 23 Archbishops and Bishops. Membership in CMG is limited to those Catholic Church entities listed in or eligible to be listed in the Official Catholic Directory (OCD). As part of the Catholic Church, CMG is itself listed in the OCD. CMG works hard to remain in the forefront of the industry while keeping abreast of all risks associated with fulfilling its mission of protecting Catholic Church properties and the people the Church employs.