
Insurtech’s Next Wave: Data & Analytics

Adrian Jones joins Denise Garth for a riveting discussion on the new areas of innovation for insurers, current market conditions impacting M&A, where the next wave of insurance will take us, opportunities in data & analytics, and advice for traditional insurers.

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The views expressed are the views of Adrian Jones as of the date of the original recording (May 11, 2023). Hudson Structured Capital Management Ltd. (“HSCM”) undertakes no responsibility to advise you of any changes. Neither the podcast nor any of the information contained herein constitutes an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any security or instrument in or to participate in any trading strategy or investment vehicle.

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This podcast may contain forward-looking statements; such statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements reflect our views as of such date with respect to possible future events. Actual results could differ – perhaps materially – from those in the forward-looking statements.

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