Digital Solutions

Digital Underwriter360 for P&C

Insight Driven Digital Underwriting Platform

Unveil the future of P&C underwriting, where innovation takes center stage. The underwriting process, a cornerstone of the insurance industry, is undergoing transformative changes. Next-gen technology solutions are breathing new life into the underwriting discipline, automating workflows and furnishing underwriters with fresh insights and scores that supercharge risk analysis. Brace yourself for an imminent leap into the future – today, poised to reshape the landscape of commercial and specialty lines underwriting in ways never seen before.

Embrace the Winds of Change

Anticipate a seismic shift in the underwriting landscape. The very essence of underwriting is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by technological prowess. Enter the era of Majesco Digital Underwriter360, a monumental leap that help carriers surge ahead of the impending changes.

Pioneering the Digital and Intelligent Frontier

Embracing digital underwriting calls for a paradigm shift in our approach to roles, processes, and technologies. The future of underwriting hinges on a digital underwriting platform with three defining attributes: intuitive, integrated, and insightful. A new dawn of underwriting beckons, blending cutting-edge technology with deep industry insights.

Empowerment through Innovation

Discover the ultimate digital underwriting platform – a catalyst that not only empowers today’s workflows and processes but elevates them to new heights. This evolution is fueled by next-generation underwriting solutions, harnessing the potential of a digital no code/low code platform, AI, advanced predictive analytics, and revolutionary communication and collaboration tools.


Digital Agent360 for P&C

Delivers next-gen customer intelligence, insights, engagement, personalization, and training that empowers agents to sell insurance products faster.

Digital Enroll360 for L&AH

Integrated with L&AH Core Suite, it enables group, benefits, and worksite self-enrollment by employees for products within the benefit plan offered.

Digital Customer360 for P&C

Purpose-built with extraordinary customer experiences in mind that engage and excite.

Digital Electronic Bill360 for P&C

A next-gen billing experience that helps insurers meet customers’ shifting demands by putting billing front and center in insurers’ digital strategy.

Connect360 for L&AH

Easily create, update and view real-time claim information, absence and accommodation information anytime, anywhere.

Elevated Performance with a Dynamic Dashboard

Seamlessly manage the entire underwriter workflow from start to finish

  • Streamline operations through effective routing and case management.
  • Enhance efficiency with smart data ingestion, promoting standardized and automated processing.

Effortless, Swift, and Streamlined Portfolio Oversight

Gain a crystal-clear perspective of your sweet spot using an insight-driven, multi-level risk view, enabling rapid response

  • Ensure underwriters stay current with real-time portfolio insights, optimizing risk assessment.
  • Embrace a multi-lensed view to capture nuanced performance metrics, facilitating profitable risk underwriting.

Foster Collaborative Empowerment

Cultivate a collaborative and engaged environment between underwriters and brokers through data and predictive analytics-powered dashboard

  • Harness novel data sources and analytics for comprehensive risk assessment support.
  • Enhance risk evaluation by fine-tuning rules and harnessing AI to seamlessly gather, automate, and analyze data, offering a holistic view of exposures for every submission.

“Carriers using Majesco’s platform can quickly enhance their cyber practices and enable CyberCube’s risk scoring analysis to triage their underwriting workflows and identify high-risk accounts. This partnership puts critical information into the hands of the underwriter at the point of decision, in an evolving market and threat landscape.”

Ross Wirth, Head of Client Account Management and Technology Services, CyberCube


What are the gaps, pain points and opportunities in underwriting? 

Exploring the gaps requires an assessment of today’s pain points and the opportunities for improvement. Pain points for underwriting fall into two primary categories: process/workload and data/views of risk. There are key gaps, and the ways to address the pain points created by the gaps center around data, transformational technologies, and tactical tools. 

What are the opportunities for improvement? 

The pain points and gaps have led the underwriting department to express the need for opportunities to enhance today’s capabilities. These include: improved workflow management and automation, better use of data sources, increased collaboration, and portfolio analysis capabilities. 

What actions need to be taken when planning and designing for digital underwriting? 

The demand for an advanced solution for commercial lines underwriting is strong as insurers seek to gain deeper insights and free up underwriters to focus on complex risks assessment and portfolio management. The recommended actions include create your future vision, build your roadmap, and then identify your partners. 

The Future Starts With Majesco