Core Software

Core Insurance Software Solutions

A Foundation for Optimization, Growth & Innovation Fueled by Embedded Data & Analytics and GenAI

In an era of business challenges, accelerated change, and rapid transformation, the call for next-generation intelligent core platforms, enriched with embedded data and analytics, including GenAI is louder than ever. The pace of changing customer expectations, employee retirements and fight for talent, increased risk, shifting market dynamics, and technological breakthroughs demand a new operating and technology foundation to meet the demands of today. Industry frontrunners are stepping up to the challenge and opportunity with intelligent core software solutions.

This ambitious undertaking is achieved by deploying next-generation intelligent core platforms to launch new products with speed, offering value-added services, expanding to new channels, and crafting personalized customer experiences. These strides are made possible by leveraging sophisticated, next-gen core platforms with ready-to-use content, established best practices, comprehensive embedded data and analytics, GenAI, and digital portals. It propels the insurers forward with a solid foundation that adapts to change and achieves sustained growth, optimization and innovation.

  • Accelerate Operational Agility & Innovation

    Accelerate Operational Agility & Innovation

    Majesco’s intelligent core platforms for P&C and L&AH insurance revolutionize the industry with embedded insights, advanced capabilities, and innovative technologies. Our next-generation core provide insurers with a superior alternative—a flexible foundation that enables rapid adaptation to market changes at scale and with cost-effectiveness all in the cloud. Our intelligent core platforms harness the power of microservices, APIs, cloud, AI/ML, generative AI, pre-configured content and best practices, access to new data sources and an ecosystem of innovative capabilities. By incorporating these cutting-edge technologies and fostering robust ecosystems, insurers can seamlessly execute a two-speed strategy—delivering both operational effectiveness and innovation to meet today’s and tomorrow’s demands with agility and ease.

  • Achieve Market Leadership and Speed to Value

    Achieve Market Leadership and Speed to Value

    Majesco Intelligent Core Suite is underpinned with next-generation SaaS platform technology and embedded data and analytics to empower insurers ability to leverage the power of data-driven insights for decision-making and optimize operations. In today’s rapidly shifting marketplace and accelerated digital technology adoption, innovation initiatives must be laser-focused on creating competitive advantages that are informed by valuable insights and deliver speed to value. The Intelligent Core Suite platforms provide a foundation to drive strategic and operational initiatives to meet market demands quickly, outpace competitors and proactively challenge disruptors with speed to market, thereby creating market leadership. By harnessing embedded data and analytics, insurers can ensure long-term growth and success, while establishing their market leader position at the forefront of the industry.

  • Unleash the Power of Cloud

    Unleash the Power of Cloud

    Majesco software solutions are embracing and redefining the possibilities of cloud technology. By embracing innovation and leveraging cutting-edge cloud capabilities, we empower insurers to gain a competitive edge and transform their business to meet continuous new demands with ease. With a focus on addressing business risks and enhancing competitiveness, we go beyond traditional hosting or infrastructure solutions. Instead, we provide insurers with a comprehensive suite of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, actively re-architecting underlying software components to harness the full potential of the cloud. By actively embracing agility, scalability, and customer-centricity, our cloud solutions revolutionize insurance operations, driving innovation and propelling insurers ahead of the competition.

  • Accelerate Operational Agility & Innovation
  • Achieve Market Leadership and Speed to Value
  • Unleash the Power of Cloud

“Majesco’s ability to provide out of the box library of pre-configured product templates along with a variety of tools for rapid product development.”

Nehan Jain, Analyst, Quadrant Knowledge Solutions

Insurance Solutions

P&C Intelligent Core Suite

Majesco P&C Intelligent Core Suite revolutionizes the concept of speed to value with as an industry-leading insurance cloud platform, providing insurers with the flexibility and speed needed to innovate, drive operational effectiveness, enable innovation, and exceed customer expectations. With embedded data and analytics, it creates insights to drive growth, profitability and competitive differentiation, empowering insurers to shape their own future.

P&C CoreConnect

Powered by Majesco’s Enterprise Rating technology this platform contains comprehensive quote, rate, policy, billing and claims capabilities for personal, commercial and specialty lines. 

P&C Enterprise Rating

Empowers insurers across all lines of business for personal, commercial and specialty to deliver strength, performance, and reliability, ensuring an accurate and efficient rating process. 

L&AH Intelligent Core Suite

Majesco L&AH Intelligent Core Suite revolutionizes individual, group, voluntary benefits, and worksite by empowering insurers to transform legacy debt and create innovative new products that seamlessly align with the diversity of expectations and needs of today’s customers. Powered by embedded data and analytics and cloud technology, insurers can deliver exceptional solutions that cater to evolving customer needs, expectations, and preferences on a single platform.

ClaimVantage Claims Management

Majesco ClaimVantage takes the lead as a top-tier enterprise claims management solution for L&AH that uniquely meets the growing demands of a wide array of products including disability insurance. It meets the growing, complicated federal and state compliance leave demands while also delivering easy and seamless Absence, Accommodation, and Integrated Disability Management (IDAM) capabilities demanded by today’s customers.

Intelligent Sales & Underwriting Workbench

A best-of-breed sales and underwriting workbench built for group and voluntary benefits insurance, delivering AI-drive software for group and benefits insurers. It leverages AI technology to streamline business operations, optimize quote times and improve the overall customer experience.


What is an intelligent core platform? 

Intelligent core platforms – inclusive of policy, billing and claims – include embedded with data and analytics with native cloud, API, microservices, AI/ML, next-gen technologies, and ecosystems as a next-gen foundation for innovation and growth. Every aspect of insurance is being redefined in the context of the future, and it’s clear that next-generation core platforms are the future.

Why should insurance core systems be in the Cloud?

Legacy or even modern, on-premise core systems can’t provide a real-time experience. What is needed is digital functionality. Digital experiences must be ‘cloud-enabled’ to take advantage of valuable cloud-based services and microservices, to bring the function up to the level of the form.

What is Microsoft Azure?

Majesco and Microsoft® offer a tightly integrated and jointly supported secure and scalable digital insurance platform architected for Azure. Majesco Cloud Platform integrated with Microsoft Azure and its insurance vertical capabilities are like an insurance dream team — the partnership fits today’s insurance necessities because the solution is built to deal with insurance’s pain points of the digital world. Majesco Cloud Platform is a future-ready insurance platform for both P&C and L&AH market segments.

The Future Starts With Majesco