Core Software

P&C Enterprise Rating

Quote, Rate, and Renew Optimized and Simplified

Optimize pricing and rating process with a modern and robust rating engine. P&C Enterprise Rating is the market-leading rating engine specifically tailored for the P&C insurance industry with model rating processes that operationalize Excel sheets and convert them into API-driven enterprise services. Empower teams to rapidly respond to changing market conditions, employ business user-enabled self-service rate maintenance, and utilize full capabilities to support complex pricing options like large schedules of risks over 10,000 items. P&C Enterprise Rating delivers a market-leading solution for rating and turnaround times and powers Majesco core solution offerings or is available as a stand-alone solution to build rating foundations to distribute to other applications and decouple ratings from legacy systems.


Utilize familiar Excel tools to construct and model rating calculations, specify underwriting rules, and define forms attachment logic, eliminating the need to learn a new platform or language.

Ultimate Control

Rest easy in knowing you have full control. Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating brings no-code tooling to business users to empower self-service for rate changes and maintenance. Eliminate the potential for user error inherent in traditional “code and load” or GUI-based rule builders.

Speed-to-Market and Optimization

Insurers of all sizes and MGAs and MGUs can respond with speed to an evolving market for pricing and rating. The result is operational optimization through automation, allowing you to allocate resources to other priorities. Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating brings speed and reliability to policy pricing and binding, with powerful predictive data analytics and implementation of statistical packages in real-time.

Powerful Bridge to Unleash Pricing and Rating

Decouple and modernize rating from your legacy systems with Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating. Connect seamlessly to your technology solutions (including policy administration, web quoting, comparative raters, front end applications, and more) while maintaining the speed and scale of any complex pricing requirements.

Reduce Risk, Increase Security

  • Model rate plans utilizing Excel and automatically convert them to user interfaces and rating APIs, accessible to any calling application.
  • Swift calculation speeds allowing for concurrent processing of thousands of requests per second.
  • Microservices architecture scales horizontally to meet any demand.

Enable Collaboration & Customization

  • Manage version control across multiple distribution channels and policy administration platforms in one central repository.
  • Configure and customize UI features including author formulas, drop-down menu options, and more with no-code tooling to maintain with minimal need for IT resources.
  • Ensure compliance and track changes via our version-controlled, secure check-in/check-out process.
  • Orchestration enables easy configuration of complex rating scenarios and interactions with external services, removing the need for custom code for common operations including aggregations, looping, and sequential rate calls.

Superior Technology

  • Performance capabilities equipped to process complex rating scenarios and return calculations rapidly.
  • Pricing impact tool feature performs “what-if” analysis of the current product as well as proposed product changes.
  • Create sophisticated, multi-tiered, complex rating products, enable predictive data analytics, and implement statistical packages (e.g., statistical programming language)
  • Deploy in your data center or in the cloud for complete flexibility.
  • Self validate and test different models to re-rate existing programs using built-in testing.


What other Majesco solutions include Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating?

All Majesco P&C CoreConnect portals such as shopper, insured, agent/broker, and underwriter include Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating. It can also be purchased as part of the entire Majesco P&C CoreConnect suite or as a stand alone product.

What is Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating?

Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating is Majesco’s latest rating technology. Born from the acquisition of Decision Research Corporation (DRC), now known as Majesco P&C Enterprise Rating, this powerful solution is designed to address complex rating and pricing requirements and provides out-of-the box capabilities and integration for business placement into global markets that can be implemented quicker and cost-effectively to grow and scale business operations.

The Future Starts With Majesco