Core Software

P&C CoreConnect – Claims Management Software for MGAs & MGUs

Comprehensive Claims

MGAs, MGUs and smaller insurers can now manage claims operations efficiently without straining their budgets. An efficient claims solution ensures seamless integration, scales effectively with growth, and emphasizes accuracy. P&C CoreConnect Claims provides a versatile solution for various claim types, enabling our clients to expedite claims management and resolution with its rich functionality. It offers a tailored experience for smaller carriers, MGAs, MGUs, and policyholders alike, streamlining the process and enhancing satisfaction.

Achieve Unparalleled Configuration Agility

Leveraging market-leading technology enables you to make the most of your existing systems while driving crucial new business in a competitive market.

Streamline Claims Submission

AI-enabled claims tooling brings the ability to report FNOL and create new claims from a universal interface. Compatibility for any device available, optimizing customer experiences and streamlines the claims reporting process.

Personalized Experiences

Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims technology provides a new level of exceptional service and expedited claims handling no matter the situation. This ensures complete customer satisfaction even in the most challenging times.

Powerful and Proven P&C Solutions

P&C CoreConnect Policy

Optimize operations processes with a feature-rich policy management system offering end-to-end lifecycle processing for property and casualty insurance lines to simplify the complex.

P&C CoreConnect Billing

Majesco P&C CoreConnect Billing provides an end-to-end, fully automated solution for the billing and payments cycle. Allow your business users to control billing rules without IT and vendor involvement and seamlessly manage carrier and agent commisions.

Drive Profitable Growth

It’s time to work smarter not harder. In order for organizations to enable new business you require a solution that enables collaboration, transparency, and accuracy without comprising integration of technology.

  • Rich document storage conveniently keeps record type with the claim and reduces the need for a separate document management product.
  • Powerful adjuster controls and exposure leads to flexible set up, processing and closing of each claim, reducing supervisory oversight.

Operational Effectiveness

No matter the volume of claims, proper automation for mundane tasks ensures a timely and effective resolution for policyholders.

  • Utilize unlimited reserving of exposures to multiple adjusters.
  • Ability to track all parties to a claim, including litigants, courts, witnesses, representatives, etc.
  • Ability to work with multiple policy systems for coverage verification, not just in Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims.
  • Extensive correspondence templates and automation help all parties stay current on claim status.
  • Manage vendors and their partners with bulk payment support to reduce manual payment processing.

Expert Workflows

Benefit from worry-free claims processing with powerful capabilities.

  • Comprehensive notes capabilities including modernized tagging enabling seamless organization across the system, along with automated letters capabilities.
  • Multi-step reviews of checks, exposures and claims.
  • Manage catastrophes through linked claims by named perils and manage start and stop dates, geographic regions, and loss codes for each catastrophe.
  • Harness highly flexible adjuster management features to support limitations by users on lines of business, reserve limits, payment limits, and expense guard rails, maximum authority amounts by specific coverage, and optional tolerances to expedite closing a claim.

“We are impressed with the unwavering dedication to accelerating system upgrades, delivering results in half the time compared to typical implementations. This speed-to-market approach perfectly aligns with our commitment to providing responsive, efficient, and innovative solutions for our distribution, carrier and reinsurance partners.”

Jai Prakash, CIO, Embark


How much does Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims cost?

Pricing for our solutions is tailored to meet your unique needs. For personalized details, please head to our “Request Info” page on the top right corner and our dedicated team will be delighted to assist you.

How can Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims help my organization deal with a cumbersome claims system integration?

Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims offers efficient claims processing to accommodate premium and policy growth through extensive workflows, powerful analytics, and rigorous fraud detection.

What is Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims?

Majesco P&C CoreConnect Claims is a powerful software for all types of claims that enables our customers to manage and resolve claims faster through feature-rich functionality to deliver a personalized experience for carriers and policyholders.

The Future Starts With Majesco