
NAMIC 129th Annual Convention

Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
Denver, CO
Booth #606

September 22-25, 2024

Join Majesco to Innovate to Accelerate at the NAMIC Annual Convention

As AI and GenAI dominate discussions among insurance leaders, understanding these technologies and their potential impact on insurer operations is crucial, especially as companies gear up for 2025 planning. Majesco is proud to be a Gold sponsor at the NAMIC Annual Convention, where we’ll delve into this and other critical topics during our three sessions at the Majesco Sponsor Theater. We invite you to Innovate to Accelerate and meet our team of industry experts at booth #606 and the Majesco Lounge throughout the event. Don’t miss this opportunity to see how Majesco is at the forefront of digital transformation – schedule a meeting in advance by filling out the form below.

Unleashing the Future: Intelligent Business Solutions

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
8:30-9:15 AM
Majesco Sponsor Theater, Aurora Ballroom C

Insurance manages uncertainty and potential for loss with risk management and financial protection products and services. Insurance helps consumers and businesses undertake higher-risk, higher-return activities, powering growth and change. With change comes new opportunities and challenges.

Embracing this change requires a higher level of sophistication and commitment to digital transformation. Insurers of tomorrow cannot be built on the business model and technology of today. Insurers must move beyond the legacy and internal mindset of “this is how insurance is done,” to one that recognizes the world has shifted and we must as well.  Unleashing this future requires the business to move to next-gen intelligent solutions across the insurance business to drive down operational costs, improve pricing competitiveness, and increase growth. It is about bending the cost curve and creating competitive differentiation. Hear about this shift, what it means to you and what next-gen intelligent solutions and ecosystems means for your business. Learn about the building blocks that come together to give insurers this revolutionary power to pull together many different technologies into a single, seamless, solution.


Jason Long
VP of Product Management

Denise Garth
Chief Strategy Officer

Power of AI/ML with the Right Data to Optimize the Business

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
12:00-12:45 PM
Majesco Sponsor Theater, Aurora Ballroom C

Data and analytics are and have always been a stalwart for the insurance industry for decades, through business intelligence and predictive models. The rapid growth and adoption of AI/ML models is accelerating optimizing the business across the value chain, with targeted models built on rich, robust data. For many insurers, having access to the right data for effective building and use of the models continues to be a challenge. This is where partners come into play.

Hear how a new approach with a “contributory database” of insurer and third part data provides insurers the models that can make a difference to their business – from underwriting property to subrogation and litigation for claims.


Patrick Davis
SVP & GM of Data & Analytics

GenAI: Revolutionizing and Optimizing Insurance Operations

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2:00-2:45 PM
Majesco Sponsor Theater, Aurora Ballroom C

If your Board, leadership and company is like so many others in the industry, GenAI and AI are the top topics of discussion in how you can leverage this technology. Why is this important? Just consider the May 2024 AM Best report that reviewed P&C insurer financials relative to their innovation score. The correlations are stunning and predictive. They prove the value of innovation. The report noted strong financial value for those with high innovation scores, including significantly higher NPW growth, lower expense ratios, and lower combined ratios.

Furthermore, those considered non-innovators were overrepresented with downgrades. Innovation – from optimizing to transforming the business model and technology makes a difference, elevating insurers as leaders! In this session we will dive deeper into Majesco’s data and analytics strategy, the approach, the use cases across the entire value chain from policy to billing and claims and share a live demo using GenAI highlighting the 10-15 times productivity and operational efficiency you can achieve, helping to bend your cost curve and learning curve of employees. See how embedded GenAI across the workflow and business can provide real operational and productivity value and how it will innovate and transform your business, putting you at the forefront for success.


Patrick Davis
SVP & GM of Data & Analytics

Meet with our team of experts at booth #606 and explore how we leverage our deep domain knowledge and innovative solutions to partner with you in building Your Next Now:

Brian Kelly
Sales Director


Robert Whitton
VP of Enterprise Sales


Denise Garth
Chief Strategy Officer


Natasha Nauth
Marketing Specialist


Jason Long
VP of Product Management


Patrick Davis
SVP & GM of Data & Analytics


Debbie Rivard
Product Owner


Prateek Kumar
EVP, Americas
