
Majesco P&C CoreConnect

In today’s dynamic market, a multitude of factors including new or increased risk, customer demands, technology advancement and regulatory dynamics are challenging and realigning the industry. MGAs and

MGUS are at the forefront of this realignment, uniquely positioned to innovate and bring new products and business models to market. The MGA 2022 growth outpaced the overall P&C market by 10.5% at 24%, highlighting a red-hot market according to Conning 2023 Annual MGA report. Access to capacity and capital from new funding approaches including insurance-linked securities, collateralized reinsurance, reciprocal exchanges, insurers, reinsurers, and private equity is fueling MGA and MGU growth. MGAs and MGUs help insurers and reinsurers grow their premium, expand into new markets, and leverage underwriting expertise.

To accelerate their growth, ability to scale the business, leverage advanced data and analytics, and innovate with new products, MGAs and MGUs are using next-gen core platform solutions like Majesco P&C CoreConnect to conduct business with agents and insurers.

Majesco P&C CoreConnect uniquely provides a versatile and powerful solution with comprehensive quote, rate, policy, billing and claims capabilities, as well as London and Lloyd’s market capabilities to create speedto- market, leverage new data and advanced analytics, and drive growth opportunities.

Experience the power of Majesco’s next-gen Distribution Management software designed for this transformative age. Onboard producers rapidly, eliminate manual paperwork, and gain actionable insights through our digital

self-service tools. Unveil new commission and incentive programs with the agility and speed you need to thrive in this fast-changing environment.

The Majesco CoreConnect platform elevates underwriter’s expertise with sophisticated, powerful capabilities that are easy to use.

Pre-integrated with Majesco Enterprise Rating for the fastest, most accurate and cost-effective path to transform insurance products from concept to production.

Enables the unique collaboration demands between MGAs and MGUS with agents, insurers, reinsurances, and the London / Lloyds market effortlessly.

“Majesco P&C CoreConnect has impressed us with their unwavering dedication to accelerating system upgrades, delivering results in half the time compared to typical implementations. This speed-to-market approach perfectly aligns with our commitment to providing responsive, efficient, and innovative solutions for our distribution, carrier, and reinsurance partners.”

Jai Prakash
CIO, Embark

“The real positive about this digital transformation project was how quickly it moved from concept to launch. And the results were almost immediate. The Majesco CoreConnect platform allowed us to quickly move down market without placing an undue burden on our underwriters.”

Darren White
Property Lead Underwriter, MS Amlin

With Majesco P&C CoreConnect that we were able to build at the very beginning, allowed us to leverage and make transactions. So we acquired renewal rights to a large book of business, and the only reason we’re able to do that is because we know that we’ve got scalability on a platform that we can transition those policies to, and it alleviates us having to add additional staff that in a normal environment, somebody might have to look at that and say I’m going to have to go hire an additional team to go make this transition of business kind of work.”

Matt Lubien
K2 Insurance Services