
Majesco Enterprise Rating

In the face of rapidly changing risk factors, rising loss ratios, and customer expectations, insurers need more flexibility in changing their pricing and rating for underwriting. Rating solutions stand at the heart of underwriting and pricing strategies, serving as critical determinants of competitiveness and profitability. As markets and risk grow increasingly complex, insurers face the challenge of enhancing efficiency, creating flexibility, and ensuring precision in their rating processes. Traditional methods of rating no longer suffice in an era of rapidly changing risk and the demand for personalized insurance solutions.

Offering unparalleled performance, flexibility, and integration capabilities, Majesco Enterprise Rating empowers insurers to meet and exceed the modern, complex market demands. Through automating and streamlining rating processes and offering advanced pricing options, while ensuring reliability and scalability, Majesco Enterprise Rating empowers insurers to capture market opportunities, effectively rate risk, improve customer satisfaction, and drive growth in a competitive landscape.

Majesco Enterprise Rating delivers unparalleled
strength, performance, and reliability, ensuring that
insurers can count on accurate and efficient rating

Designed to grow with your business through
horizontal scaling, ensuring that the solution can
meet increasing demands without compromising

Offers enterprise-level hosting with cross-data
redundancy for disaster recovery, 100% uptime
through load balancing and multiple application
servers, ensuring that your rating processes are
always available and secure.

“We are designing our technology solution to help power our future growth, and Majesco Enterprise Rating offers us a scalable platform, that fits well with our evolving technology architecture that we are developing as part of our modernization program.”

Troy Dehmann
Chief Operating Officer, Beazley

“As a company, we are continuously seeking out new and cutting-edge technologies to boost productivity, improve efficiency, and provide quicker turnaround times that will ultimately benefit our insureds. With this software, we will be able to automate our legacy pricing tools, which will allow us to deliver our best-in-class products faster
than we have before.”

Susan Rivera
Chief Executive Officer, Tokio Marine HCC