
Majesco Distribution Management

In an era where customer expectations are ever evolving and digitization is no longer optional, the insurance distribution landscape is undergoing seismic shifts. Traditional agent-based models are making room for new channels from direct-to-customer to marketplaces, embedded, and more. Regulatory complexities are amplifying, requiring adjustments and real-time compliance. Furthermore, the rise of advanced analytics is transforming how performance is tracked and optimized.

Stay ahead of the competition with Majesco’s insurance distribution management technology foundation that will drive innovation to meet new customer and distribution channel options. Take control of your business and expand market reach to excel in a changing distribution

landscape with expanded digital capabilities that provide a better way and ease of doing business.

In this shifting paradigm, your choice of a distribution management system is more critical than ever.

Experience the power of Majesco’s next-gen Distribution Management software designed for this transformative age. Onboard producers rapidly, eliminate manual paperwork, and gain actionable insights through our digital

self-service tools. Unveil new commission and incentive programs with the agility and speed you need to thrive in this fast-changing environment.

Shrink your “ready to sell” time from weeks to mere days or hours, letting you capitalize on market opportunities faster than ever before.

Seamlessly manage multiple channels and all lines of business through our single, unified platform, reducing complexity and improving operational efficiencies.

Harness the power of real-time analytics, advanced reporting, and integrated AI/ML tools to make databacked decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Stay on the right side of regulations effortlessly with our automatic updates through NIPR Gateway, making compliance a worry-free aspect of your operations.

Attract and retain top producers by providing a seamless digital experience, including a robust portal and mobile app for real-time access to commission statements and more to create ease of doing business with you.

“This MVP approach allows us to quickly prototype, test, learn and adapt new products live in the market. Majesco’s approach, methodology and platform architecture worked well and met our aggressive timelines.”

Andrew Podgorny
Cyber Practice Lead at HSB

“Having a very efficient system to manage things like compensation and segmentation, while being able to have one single view of all of that, has given us the flexibility to be able to meet the needs of not only Westfield but our distribution partners as well.”

Craig Welsh
Head of Traditional and Non-Traditional Distribution Channels, Westfield